What User Data We Collect

When you create an account or use our services, we may collect contact information such as your name, email address, and phone number. We also collect technical information automatically about your device and connection, like your IP address, browser type, operating system, referral URLs, device information, and cookie data.

Importantly, we do not collect any health information or other sensitive data without your consent.

How We Use Your Data

We use your data to provide our services; customize your experience; understand site usage; serve personalized ads; improve our services; and communicate with you. We may combine technical and contact data to understand how our site and services are used.

Review terms and agree to protect your privacy.

Who We Share Data With

We do not share your personal data with third parties without your consent, except to comply with laws, regulations, subpoenas or court orders; prevent harm or financial loss; or ensure the security of our network and services.

Your Rights Over Your Information

You may request details on what data we have collected about you and request that we update, correct, delete, or restrict use of your data. You may also object to or opt out of certain data uses, but this may affect our ability to provide some services.

Additional Key Terms

Please review these terms carefully. By using our services, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. Contact us if you have any questions.

Review terms carefully. Agree to terms to proceed.

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