Disease resistance - Vitality Balance Clinic

What is disease resistance?

Disease resistance refers to the ability of a plant or animal to limit the negative impacts of a pathogen or disease. Plants and animals have complex immune systems that help them resist and fight off various diseases.

In plants, disease resistance often comes from specific genes that recognize certain pathogens and launch protective responses. For example, some tomatoes have genes that recognize the late blight fungus and trigger localized cell death to stop the infection from spreading. Other defensive responses like thicker cell walls or antimicrobial chemicals may also play a role.

When a plant breeder says a variety is disease resistant, it means that variety has genetic traits for recognizing and defending against certain diseases. This resistance can be complete (the plant avoids infection altogether) or partial (the infection is less severe). Of course, no variety is resistant to everything. New pathogens are constantly evolving too. So ongoing breeding work is needed.

"But don't diseases evolve to overcome resistant varieties?"

Great question! Yes, in agriculture there is often an "arms race" between crops and pathogens. Breeders have to continually introgress new resistance genes into commercial varieties. And farmers need to adopt new resistant options and diversify crops when possible. Crop rotation, sanitation practices, and fungicides/pesticides also help slow pathogen adaptation. It's an ongoing battle!

At Vitality Balance Clinic, we aim to take a similar multi-pronged approach with our hormone optimization programs. While hormones don't get " pathogens", imbalances can develop over time due to factors like stress, diet, inactivity, toxins, and more. Our personalized plans help patients strengthen their hormonal "immunity" through nutrition, supplements, detox protocols, stress reduction techniques, and sometimes bioidentical hormones. Just like mixing up crops in a field, we diversify our protocols over time to avoid adaptation. Call today for a free consult!

I hope this gives you a good overview of what disease resistance entails in plants. The key is having genetic tools to recognize and limit disease infection and spread. It's an ongoing process, but plant breeding continues to develop better and better disease resistant varieties all the time! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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