Cholesterol levels - Vitality Balance Clinic

Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that is found in all cells of the body. We get cholesterol from foods that come from animals, like meat, eggs, and dairy. The body also makes its own cholesterol. There are two main types of cholesterol:

Cholesterol levels are measured with a blood test. When your doctor checks your cholesterol levels, he or she will look at: Optimal cholesterol levels are: If your cholesterol levels are high, your doctor may prescribe medication or recommend lifestyle changes like exercising more, quitting smoking, and eating a healthier diet. At Vitality Balance Clinic, we offer cutting-edge testing and treatment plans tailored to help patients optimize their hormone and cholesterol levels. Our expert physicians stay current on the latest medical research and use advanced testing to provide personalized care. We know that high cholesterol is a silent threat, often showing no signs or symptoms until further complications arise. That's why we recommend adults start getting their cholesterol checked regularly around age 20. Through comprehensive testing, we can identify genetic and lifestyle factors influencing your cholesterol. Then we develop customized treatment plans that may include medication, nutrition planning, fitness coaching, and hormone therapy. Our goal is to help patients lower their risk of heart disease by achieving healthy cholesterol ranges. Contact us today to schedule advanced cholesterol testing and find out how our individualized programs can help you take control of your heart health.

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