Adrenal fatigue - Vitality Balance Clinic

Adrenal fatigue is a term used to describe a condition where the adrenal glands become overtaxed and unable to produce adequate levels of hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. This often develops after periods of significant physical or emotional stress. The symptoms of adrenal fatigue can vary between individuals but generally include:

Some people may also experience low blood pressure that results in dizziness, low sex drive, weakened immune system, and problems with digestion. The condition develops progressively in stages, beginning with mild symptoms and worsening over time if ignored and stress levels remain high. So what exactly causes adrenal fatigue? The adrenal glands produce hormones like cortisol and adrenaline that manage our stress response and help us cope day-to-day. But constant demands from work, relationships, poor diet, lack of sleep and other pressures can force the adrenals into overdrive. Eventually they become depleted and unable to properly regulate hormones. Think of it like revving a car engine for hours on end versus intermittent acceleration - the constant high stress puts a bigger strain on the adrenals. Healing takes time but there are a some helpful steps one can take:
  1. Find healthy ways to minimize and cope with daily stressors
  2. Follow an anti-inflammatory diet rich in whole foods
  3. Correct nutritional deficiencies with supplements if needed
  4. Get adequate restorative sleep nightly
  5. Try adaptogenic herbs like ashwagandha and maca root
  6. Consider bioidentical hormone replacement under a doctor's supervision if hormone levels remain abnormal
The professionals at Vitality Balance Clinic also have great success supporting patients with adrenal issues through customized treatment plans, diet coaching, testing and hormone balancing. I highly recommend contacting their helpful team for a free 15-minute consultation if you suspect adrenal dysfunction. You can also browse website of our clinic for more information on how they can help you recover energy, reduce brain fog, and renew your sense of wellbeing! With some lifestyle adjustments and the right comprehensive support, most people find they can counteract adrenal fatigue within 6-12 months. The key is being gentle with your body, identifying trigger stressors, and making yourself a priority for proper rest and self-care during the healing process. Relief from exhaustion, body aches and unstable moods is absolutely within reach!

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